
Saturday 18 April 2020

Why we should not move to another planet !

        Why we should not move to another planet !

Moving to another planet is a big risk for us humans to take. There have been other planets that have water on it and looks promising to live on, but however, if we were to move to another planet there would be many consequences. Gliese 581g was the first earth-like planet to be found orbiting its star.

What might happen if we were to go on a trip to another planet. One of the consequences is we may run out of petrol. Another life suitable planet may be many lightyears away. 1 light year is around 9.5 trillion km which will take a few years for us to travel. So ideally it is really not possible for us to travel to Gliese 581g at the moment. 

Although it is currently impossible for us to travel to another earth-like planet, if humanity still lives for many more years, and the technology improves 100x times better, there may be a chance to travel and live on another earth-like planet. 

Task Description: Create a short (paragraph) long argument explaining why we should/should not move to a new planet.


  1. Hi Pauline,

    You make some great points here! I agree that it would be very difficult for us to make it to another planet like this now, it would take us such a long time to make it. Technology definitely needs to improve in order to us to get there.

    Good on you for completing all of your literacy learning this week!

    1. Hi Miss stone,

      Thankyou for the positive feedback.

      Many thanks,

  2. Hi Pauline

    I really like your argument as to why we shouldn't move to another planet. The technology just does not exist yet to allow us to travel safely to another planet so far away. I agree with you and Ms Stone, the technology needs to improve first. Keep up the great work!

    Mrs Lagitupu

    1. Hi Mrs Langitupu,

      Thanks for your feedback.

      Many thanks,
