
Friday 30 October 2020

How are cows bad for the einvironment?

How are cows bad for the environment?


Have you ever thought about eating less dairy? O0r did you know cows are bad for the environment? Some people don't eat dairy at all because they know cows flatulence, fertilizer and cutting down trees are bad for the environment.


In order to grow grass, farmers use fertilizer. Fertilizer is a chemical that helps make grass grow faster. When it rains, the fertilizer flows into streams and rivers, causing algae to overgrow. The algae will then take in all the oxygen and trap in the heat causing everything to die in the river. Using fertilizer is one of the causes of water pollution.


When cows eat and drink, they are most likely to pee/poo, burp and fart. When cows pee/poo, burp and fart, it releases methane gas into the atmosphere. The methane gas then traps in the heat from the sun causing climate change. Cows flatulence contributes to climate change more than you think.

Cutting Down Trees:

Dairy farmers have to cut down trees in order to produce milk from the cows. When dairy farmers have forested land, they cut down the trees to have more space for cows and grow more grass. Growing grass faster needs fertilizer, and more grass leads to more flatulence. 3.5 to 7 billion trees are cut down every year for cattle.


In conclusion, cows are bad for the environment due to using fertilizer, their flatulence and cutting down trees. Cows contribute to climate change more than you think, so next time you go to the shop to buy milk, consider buying less than you would normally buy.

~Pauline :))

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